NHS app

If you’re a patient at our practice you can now use the new NHS app, a simple and secure way to access a range of NHS services, including your COVID vaccinations, on your smartphone or tablet.

What the NHS app does

You can use the NHS app to:

  • Check your symptoms
  • Find out what to do when you need help urgently
  • Book and manage appointments at your GP practice
  • Order repeat prescriptions
  • Securely view your GP medical record
  • Register to be an organ donor
  • Chose how the NHS uses your data

If you already use SystmOnline you can continue to use it if you prefer, or you can use both.

If you are currently NOT registered for online services

If you have not previously signed up for online services, you can sign up on the NHS app without contacting the surgery. Just follow the instructions on the app. You will need photo ID such as a passport or driving license.

Please note the NHS app currently can only be accessed via smartphone or tablet.

Once the app is launched nationwide in 2019, there will also be a web version you can access like a regular website.

For current web access, please use SystmOnline.

If you are already registered for online services

You will need 3 pieces of information to link your online services to the NHS app (Account ID, Organisation Code and Passphrase). To find these, follow these instructions:

  1. Log in to SystmOnline on the website, not the app.
  2. Go to Account > Account Information and retrieve the Practice Organisation Code and Account ID. Write these down.
  3. Log out from SystmOnline.
  4. Select Re-issue Third Party Passphrase.
  5. Input your Account ID, Email Address and Organisation Code, then click Re-Issue Passphrase to retrieve your passphrase.
  6. Once you get your passphrase, follow the instructions on the NHS app to setup your NHS login and use the 3 pieces of information you need to link your account to the app.

Switching profiles

As a parent, family member or carer, you may be able to manage services for another person by switching to their profile. This is also sometimes called having a linked profile or having proxy access. It needs to be set up by the GP practice where you and the other person are BOTH registered. This service is not currently available to those who are registered at different practices.

Setting up a linked profile

You will need to complete a 3rd party proxy online access form and bring this to the practice with photo ID and proof of address. These forms are available from the front desk or by clicking here. This is granted at the GPs discretion. If granted, you will then be able to request medications and book appointments via the NHS App on behalf of the other person.

How to switch profiles

To act for another person who you have a linked profile for:

  1. Log in to the NHS App or website.
  2. Select switch profiles on the homepage.
  3. Select the name of the person you want to act for.

When you are switched to a different profile, you will see a yellow banner at the top of the screen. It will include ‘acting for’ and the person’s name. You will also see their name as the main heading on the homepage.

When you have finished using services on behalf of another person:

  1. Select the switch back to your profile link in the yellow banner at the top.
  2. Select switch to my profile.

Managing access to your profile

The GP surgery can help you manage access to your own profile. This includes deciding what services other people can access for you and removing access to your profile.

If you’re a young person, you may have questions about who has access to your profile as you get older. Before a child is aged 11, their parents/guardians can usually control access to their health record and online GP services. When the child is aged between 11 and 16, parents/guardians may be allowed proxy access to their child’s online services, but only if this is agreed by the GP.

If you are aged 13 or over, and you are registered at a GP surgery in England or the Isle of Man, you can access your own profile in your NHS App.


If you have any issues using or downloading the app, check the NHS app help and support page 

Date published: 15th December, 2021
Date last updated: 31st May, 2024