Repeat prescriptions may be obtained by using the NHS app, ordering online if you are signed up for online services, or calling our dedicated prescription ordering line on 01793 685485 between 10AM – 4PM, Monday – Friday.
Please note from 4th July 2024 we are no longer able to accept prescription requests over the front desk.
Alternatively you may order online via this link. Registration is required for this service so please complete the registration form and return to the surgery in person with a form of photo identification and proof of address.
More information about the service is available here.
Your prescription will normally be ready in 3 working days.
You may collect your prescription from us or request it to go to the pharmacy for collection (some pharmacies will collect the prescription and deliver it for you).
Electronic prescription service
Ask someone at your GP surgery or at any pharmacy or dispensing appliance contractor that offers EPS to add your nomination for you. Nomination means you choose a place for your GP practice to electronically send your prescription to. You don’t need a computer to use EPS. You can choose up to one of each of the following:
- a pharmacy
- a dispensing appliance contractor (if you use one)
- your dispensing GP practice (if you are eligible).
You can change your nomination or cancel it and get a paper prescription. If you don’t want your prescription to be sent electronically just tell your GP. If you want to change or cancel your nomination speak to any pharmacist or dispensing appliance contractor that offers EPS, or your GP practice. Tell them before your next prescription is due or your prescription may be sent to the wrong place.
EPS is reliable, secure and confidential. Your electronic prescription will be seen by the same people in GP practices, pharmacies and NHS prescription payment and fraud agencies that see your paper prescription now.
Sometimes dispensers may see that you have nominated another dispenser. For example, if you forget who you have nominated and ask them to check or, if you have nominated more than one dispenser.
Dispensers will also see all the items on your reorder slip if you are on repeat prescriptions.
Medication Reviews
Patients on repeat medication will be asked to see a doctor, Practice Pharmacist, Nurse Practitioner or Practice Nurse at least once a year to review these regular medications and notification should appear on your repeat slip.
Please ensure that you book an appropriate appointment to avoid unnecessary delays to further prescriptions.