
From July 2019 we are introducing DoctorLink as an opportunity to direct our patients to the best care available to them. Therefore, we are inviting all of our patients  aged 16+ to sign up.

We have looked at how we can improve access to our services; Doctorlink is a great step forward for our patients. This new online service will ask about your symptoms and previous conditions, provide advice and if necessary request an appointment from us.

Registration is simple! Click on the button below begin the registration process, it only takes a few minutes! For all urgent appointments, we will ask that you undertake a symptom assessment through DoctorLink. Once registered, this tool will ask you a number of questions to help to identify your problem. The outcome of your assessment will direct you to the right treatment, whether that be from us or another provider which may include one of the SUCCESS centres. If your outcome indicates that an appointment is required with us, you simply click on the request appointment button when offered. The information you provide will then be shared with our clinicians and we’ll contact you to arrange an appointment as appropriate. We will call you the same day to arrange the appointment, the speed at which we call will be determined by the urgency stated by DoctorLink.

Sign up for DoctorLink

We are encouraging all patients aged 16+ to register with DoctorLink. Those who cannot use the service because of disability or difficulty with internet access will also be triaged as normal. We feel that using DoctorLink will allow patients to be signposted correctly the first time.

We will continually monitor this new system and make further changes where necessary.

If you have some feedback, we’d love to hear it!